Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Protect your board or owners from unforeseen liabilities.

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Directors & Officers Insurance for every business


Whether your organization is publicly traded, privately held, or not-for-profit, your directors and officers are exposed to a number of liabilities. In performing their organizational or fiduciary duties, they can be held professionally and personally liable for both damages and defence costs of any claim.

Directors and Officers Liability insurance provides protection in the event they may be sued. Claims can arise from a variety of unpredictable issues or sources – government, competitors, creditors, employees, as well as other stakeholders or the public.

Contact our team of experts who will assess your needs and design a customized insurance solution that protects your directors and officers, allowing them to focus on the important task of helping your organization succeed.

Industries & Services

Leading-edge products for industries and services across Canada. No matter what your needs may be, you can count on us to deliver the right service, at the right time, when you need it the most.

Industries & Services

Recommended Reading

Cyber Risks Are Increasing

Learn how Cyber Insurance can protect your business from the growing threat of hacking, privacy and security breaches, ransomware and extortion.

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Cowan Insurance Group offers a comprehensive suite of products and services designed to help you achieve the goals you’ve planned for, and prepare for the challenges you didn’t.

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